Paula's Play Page

My name is Paula, but I am known to many on the internet as Savanna, LaFemmeSavanna, Savanna11, GmbayPnch or Goombay Punch. Quite a lot of psuedonyms for the same person, but it seems to work. I currently reside on the southeast coast of Connecticut with my husband and 3 children. I love the music of Jimmy Buffett, and am proud to call myself a crazy Parrothead. My other obsession is the television show "LaFemmeNikita". I am a member of several websites that offer their tributes to this wonderful show.

Let's talk about Jimmy Buffett for a moment. Now, here's a guy who has it all figured out if you ask me. Boats, Ballads, Bars & could you go wrong with a philosophy like that? My love affair (figuratively, people...not literally!) with Bubba goes back to 1995 when a co-worker asked if I might be interest in going to a Jimmy Buffett concert. He jolted my memory of who this guy was with the mention of Jimmy's hit "Margaritaville", and added that it (the concert and the parking lot party beforehand) was probably one of the more stupid events to attend. I couldn't resist the sales pitch! After attending that one show in August of 1995, I have never missed a chance to see Jimmy live and in person.

Jimmy has been making records now for over 25 years, and has released over 30 albums. His music has truly become the background of my life. Here is a list of my top ten favorite songs performed by Mr. Buffett:

  1. A Pirate Looks at Forty
  2. L'Air de la Louisiane
  3. Remittance Man
  4. Carnival World
  5. Take Another Road
  6. The Pascagoula Run
  7. Love in the Library
  8. Jolly Mon Sing
  9. Tryin' to Reason with Hurricane Season
  10. Overkill

For a great place to learn about Jimmy and his causes, and also to buy some cool Buffett merchandise, visit

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